Spin the Wheel: Boosting Customer Engagement in Retail


Spin the Wheel: Customers are invited to spin a virtual prize wheel either in-store or on the retailer’s website or app. The wheel is divided into various segments, each representing a different reward, such as a percentage discount, a free item, or bonus loyalty points. Customers can spin the wheel once per day, per visit, or after achieving a specific spending threshold. This mini-game adds an element of chance and excitement to the shopping experience, while also incentivizing customers to return for more spins and potential rewards.

By understanding the eight core motivation mechanics from Octalysis, developed by Taiwanese-American entrepreneur Yu-kai Chou, we can explore how Spin the Wheel effectively taps into these drives to create a powerful and engaging experience for customers.

  1. Sense of Significance, Mission: Spin the Wheel grants customers a chance to win exclusive discounts and offers, making them feel appreciated and valued. By offering the opportunity to obtain unique rewards, retailers create a sense of significance that keeps customers engaged and eager to return.
  2. Self-Improvement, Unlocking Creative Potential, Skill Development: Although the outcome of spinning the wheel is based on chance, the act of spinning creates an illusion of control. This perception of skill development keeps customers engaged and motivated to try their luck, believing that they might get better at predicting or controlling the outcome.
  3. Social Pressure, Friendship, Competition: Retailers can leverage social dynamics by encouraging customers to share their Spin the Wheel results with friends and family. This promotes friendly competition, as individuals compare their rewards and try to outdo one another, further driving engagement and repeat visits.
  4. Mystery, Surprise, Unpredictability, Curiosity: The element of surprise in Spin the Wheel is a key motivator for customers. The anticipation of discovering what reward they will receive keeps them excited and engaged, making the experience memorable and increasing the likelihood of repeat visits.
  5. Avoidance of Negativity, Stability, Safety: Spin the Wheel typically offers a variety of rewards, ensuring that customers feel a sense of stability and safety in participating. They know that they will likely receive some form of discount or reward, making the game a low-risk, high-reward experience.
  6. Resource Scarcity, Impatience, Deficit: Retailers can create a sense of urgency by limiting the availability of certain prizes or the number of spins per customer. This scarcity prompts customers to participate immediately and return more frequently, driven by the fear of missing out on valuable rewards.
  7. Ownership, Accumulation, Sense of Proprietorship: Once customers win a prize, they feel a sense of ownership over it. This makes them more likely to use the reward and continue engaging with the retailer, as they do not want to lose the value they have gained through the Spin the Wheel experience.
  8. Achievement, Striving for Leadership: Retailers can incorporate leaderboards or reward tiers to create a sense of achievement for customers participating in Spin the Wheel. This fosters motivation to continue spinning and pursuing higher rewards, as customers strive to attain recognition for their accomplishments.


Spin the Wheel successfully engages customers by tapping into the eight core motivation mechanics outlined in Octalysis. By understanding and leveraging these motivators, retailers can create a more engaging and rewarding experience for customers, ultimately driving increased loyalty, repeat visits, and overall sales.