Angular development services

What is Angular technology?

Angular is one of the most widely used web frameworks among developers today. It is an open source platform that was created in 2009 by a team at Google and is still maintained by the tech giant today.

Angular started out as a way to make HTML web pages more interactive and dynamic in an Internet age in which web pages were largely static. It has evolved into a self-contained solution for modern front-end development.

Angular is written in TypeScript and is great for building lightweight, dynamic Single-Page Applications (SPAs) without having to bring in third-party libraries. Many companies, including Google, Paypal, Upwork, and more, rely on Angular’s capabilities for their frontend web development. Its libraries provide for the implementation of a wide range of features – routing, forms, client-server communication, and more. Angular applications are typically responsive, offer rich user experiences, and are designed to have a codebase that is easy to update and maintain.

With a whole toolbox for building, testing, and updating code, and thanks to its component-based structure, applications built with Angular are reliable and easily scalable, making Angular a great choice for small projects, and enterprise-level applications alike.

Angular development services from Msoft

We offer an entire suite of services that have delivered over 50 major projects. We have built strong partnerships with satisfied clients in the retail, gaming, banking and fintech, media and telecom, energy industries, and many more.

/01 Web App Development

Full-featured web-based applications, dynamic websites, and custom Angular solutions built to satisfy your specific requirements and business needs.

/02 Single Page Applications

Fast-loading, dynamic, feature-rich single-page applications that perform seamlessly across different device types and platforms.

/03 Enterprise Applications

High-performance, robust, and scalable solutions for enterprise applications. Whether it’s integration with existing systems, or API development, our team is ready to help you take the next step.

/04 Maintenance, Upgrades and Migration

We help you level up the capabilities and performance of your solutions to current standards, including HTML to Angular conversions, AngularJS or Angular 2 to newer version migrations, and Angular application maintenance to help you ensure your operations run optimally.

/05 Front-end Development

Responsive, dynamic, and aesthetically refined mobile and web user interfaces that keep users engaged, and help you drive conversions.

/06 Java Consultation And Support

Our team of experts will work with you to help you choose the most appropriate Java technology for your business case. We partner with you every step of the way until the right Java solution is implemented, saving you valuable time and resources in the development phases, and enhancing the efficiency of your solutions.

Why choose Angular?

Angular is a versatile technology with a characteristically short development time. Because it is a cross-platform technology, developers can work from a single codebase to create different flavors of an application.
Angular has a component-based, modular architecture, meaning it’s easy to test and build upon. This modularity makes collaboration easier and therefore facilitates the ability to scale. The framework is backed by Google, has a vibrant community of millions of developers worldwide, and has been around long enough to have matured as a technology. This means it is thoroughly documented and well-maintained, has rich libraries, and a vibrant ecosystem of creators supporting it.

Why Choose The Msoft
Team For Angular Development?

We always strive to ensure we give you the capabilities you need to stay ahead of the competition. That is why we set the bar as high as possible, because we understand the strategic value of the solutions we build for our partners. This is how we do it:

Best-in-class coding standards
At MSoft we hold our team to the highest standards of professionalism. That means the code we ship is crafted following industry best practices. You can be confident the product we deliver is stable, with clean, elegantly written code that is reusable, thoroughly tested, and well optimized.

Bleeding-edge technology
We ensure our development team is constantly working off the very latest and most advanced tools during the development process. That way, we ensure the angular development services we deliver meet the stringent quality expectations we place on ourselves and the lofty standards our customers have come to expect from our brand.

Proven experience & know-how
The MSoft team has some of the best talent the industry has to offer. Our people are dedicated specialists with extensive experience in a diverse range of projects. Our team has delivered high-performance products in different industries including gaming, retail, banking, fintech, and many more. We continuously invest in the development of our staff to make sure we always stay ahead of the game.

Customer focus
For us, the customer is at the core of everything we do. We ensure that our team is fully invested in your project and always give you their absolute best. That means we work tirelessly to earn and keep your trust, we respect timelines, and care genuinely about your projects. We put the work in because we believe in fostering long-term partnerships with our clients.


Loyalty program
digital transformation

We developed a web and mobile app that helped one of the largest food retailers in the US move more than a million of its loyalty program users to a digital system and drastically reduce the use of plastic cards.

Generating prices
using Big Data

We developed a tool that processed all the purchases across the US’s largest food retailer’s entire chain of stores, showed dependencies, and informed policy-making on catalog-listing and pricing.

Live streaming

We built a feature-rich game streaming web service with the ability to link to broadcasts from sites like YouTube and Twitch, in-game rewards, and market-boosting mechanics for a leading games developer. The service comfortably handled more than 500,000 connections during peak periods.

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